Appendix 4: evaluation of glavitherapy treatment of six days’ course applied to two patients with disseminated sclerosis - ds (sclerosis multiplex - sm)

From: Małgorzata Gontarek-Laton, M.D., Diplomate in Paediatrics, Diplomate in Paediatric Neurology, Szczecin, 11 Cedrowa St, Poland

On the first day of the course both patients were unable to walk alone without support or leaning against a companion. A distance of about 40 m could hardly be covered by one of them.

After six days' treatment distances of easy walk were enormously lengthened. Both patients did not need any stick support to make 400 and 850 m, respectively. Motion coordination changed for the better - from previously unsteady steps, there was a kind of fluency with peculiar nattiness of movements. Less spasticity resulted in better muscle performance and more intensive exercise could be taken up.

No dysphoria or irritation were present, good mood was restored, reaction time was set to normal. Both patients were full of trust and hope as they observed positive treatment effects. Also both decided to proceed with training in future.



Canada Toronto - Ontario
Report for the above mentioned patient with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease treated only with the dermovisceral biocybernetic Clavitherapy from July 10-July 30/2011 who arrived in a very severe state with the following disfunctions:

1) He could not walk on his own. After leaving the car upon arrival, he was guided and held by his two hands and the motions of his lower extremities were very slow, short and close to his body.
- after 3 days of treatment the patient was walking and running on his own.

2) Disturbances with his balance caused the patient to be unable to stand on his own without holding on to a support such as a wall, chair.
- after 3 days of treatment, he regained his balance and the ability to stand on one foot (both left and right) for a longer period of time.
3) Standing and walking he had a very severe kifosa on his spine and his body was leaning forward with his head dropping forward.
- after 2 weeks of treatment his posture improved and was able to regain a straight posture.
4) Upper extremities, the right arm he was able to raise to top of his head and his left arm he was able to raise it to the level of his mouth and after 1-2 seconds they would fall down. The upper extremities would shake as he would bring his hands close to his face. The lower extremities would also shake in the sitting and lying down position as well as when he would get up from his bed. He could not eat well and properly on his own (ie had difficulty with eating oatmeal with a spoon and eating salad with a fork), he could not wash himself on his own, brush his teeth, shave or dry himself with a towel. His movement were very slow, disturbed and lacked co-ordination.
- after 2 weeks of treatment, he can lift his both of arms quickly above his head and he can hold them up there for quite a long time without getting tired. He can eat very well and quickly on his own, and he can complete his daily functions in the washroom. His feet and arms have minimal shaking.
5) He had very minimal movement with his head (left, right, up and down). Walking he could not look in the horizon. His look was focused on the ground and his eyes did not move looking only 5-7 metres ahead of him. His orientation was disturbed and his reaction time to verbal and manual signals was very slow.
- after 10 days of treatments he obtained full horizontal orientation, he could react with his head to signals and sounds from different directions.
6) Due to extensive damage to his right frontal lobe, with an active mole on his orbital bone of his face. The first days he needed to be directed several times with verbal commands and had to be touched to gain attention to stimulate his awareness. He was not able to diverte his attention to two different places. He had damage to his memory and speech, and he could use single words to react and answer to questions.
- after 12 days of treatment, the above mentioned disturbances were resolved and now he uses more words to express himself. He reacts to certain situations with a smile, and sometimes even very appropriate jokes.
7) After 9 days of active exercises with a ball, which developed his reflexes, co-ordination with his movement and thoughts and orientation with the outdoors.
- after 2 weeks he is able to play volleyball well with accuracy and energy. This indicates his physical condition and he can run for 300 metres without resting. He regained precision of movements, ability to write.
8) Before the treatments he had disturbances with sleeping, nightmares and hallucinations. He also had fears. After 2 days, he was able to sleep throughout the night, the nightmares and hallucinations ceased and he is visibly more calm.
9) He also has regained the ability to be independent in everyday life. He is starting to react and have opinions. He reacts to certain situations in everyday life (ie sanitary functions, dressing, and helping with cleaning up after meals).
He must continue to practice the given exercises 3x’s daily and daily household chores when he returns to Toronto on July 31. 

Ferdynand Barbasiewicz I Gabriella Piccirilli Lina LaTorre I Orazio LaTorre


List of professionals therapists trained in Clavitherapy method:

1 -  Lista zawodowych terapeutów (certificated clavitherapist in Poland),

2 - CANADA: course clavitherapy of St. Catherines ON, diploma certificate claviterapy, test clinic psychology full MMPI