4) The diagnosing of bulges and pultaceous herniated disks. their noninvasive regeneration (elimination) thanks to the clavitherapy method with the magnetic resonance imaging confirmation.

Dear Sir or Madam!!!
I WOULD LIKE TO INFORM YOU , FOR THE FIRST TIME OFFICIALLY, ABOUT THE GREAT EFFECTIVENESS AND SIMPLICITY OF THE BULGES AND PULTACEOUS HERNIATED DISKS ELIMINATION, WHICH CAN BE MONITORED BY THE MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI). It is worth to know, that each nerve cell in the animals organism’s nervous system (maybe floral as well) has its own functional and neurophysiologic structural memory, needed for the immanent biocybernetic functions regulation, i.a. keeping the shapes of the pultaceous intervertebral disks. ATTENTION! IF THE OBJECTIVE MRI MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SHOWSS THE BULGES OR THE PULTACEOUS HERNIATED DISKS even with the compression on the dural sac or stenosis. THAT TIME IT IS GOOD TO TAKE INBETWEEN FINGERS OF EACH HAND 3-4 BARBEQUE STICKS AND MAKE AN AUTOSTIMULATION PERPENDICULARY TO THE SKIN. THE LINE 7 CENTIMETERS WIDE STIMULATION SHOULD START FROM THE HYOID BONE IN THE NECK, GOING EVERY 5 MILIMETERS DOWN TO THE PUBIC SYMPHYSIS. YOU CANNOT STIMULATE THE NAVEL. Everywhere, where you can feel stronger sensation of burning and pain penetrating to the centre, you should keep the stimulation and wait for the signs’ calming. The auto stimulation activity should be repeated for several days, until the normal skin reaction, burning and pain’s discontinuance, or even few days longer. Attention! If you establish by the MRI method that you suffer from bulges or even the hernia, you should pay an extra attention while caring the loads. If you want to lift anything , make this activity from the vertical knee bend. This time, when the PULTACEOUS HERNIATED DISKS is diagnosed, you shouldn’t do any exercises standing position. Loads over 3 kilograms shouldn’t be carried. However, you should make exercises, the same everyday movements, which you do during the copulation (lying on your stomach and on the right and left side. Each exercise should be done 100 times, 2-3 times a day). THE SECOND PROJECTION ZONE ALONG THE SPINE, WHICH SHOULD BE DONE BY THE ESCORT, IS THE 7 CENTIMETERS WIDE STIMULATION STARTED FROM THE BASE OF SCULL EVERY 5 MILLIMETERS DOWN TO THE LOINS. IN THE PLACES, WHERE YOU CAN FEEL DEFINITELY STRONGER SENSATIONS, YOU SHOULD STIMULATE AND WAIT FOR THE SIGNS’ CALMING. CONTINUE THIS ACTION FOR FEW DAYS, AND AFTER THE PAIN CALMS DOWN STIMULATE FOR SEVERAL DAYS. Attention!!! After several days of stimulation, in the places where the definitely strong pain’s projection, the further stimulation should be done perpendicularly with two sticks. ATTENTION!!!, where the strong and bothersome pain or burning can be felt, there is a projection of the disc dehydration, bulge or hernia of the broken pultaceous intervertebral disk. During the very bothersome breakdowns, pain sensation caused the compression on the dural sac or stenosis, please be patient and stimulate gently. That time the therapy can last 14 days. – AFTER THREE DAYS FROM THE RELIEVE FROM THE PAIN, AFTER THE THERAPY , PLEASE MAKE THE NEXT MRI AND SHOW IT TO THE NEUROLOGIST, – he will be very surprised. ATTENTION!!! THE PROCEDURE CANNOT BE DONE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH, BECAUSE THE RADICES AND NERVE FIBERS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT CAN BE ALSO ACTIVATED IN THE SAME TIME, WHICH MAY CAUSE WEAKNESSES , MIGRAINE HEADACHES, OR EVEN SYNCOPE CAUSED BY NOT JOINED ENZYMES OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. DURING THE PROCEDURE YOU MUST NOT STOOP, SLOPE TO THE SIDE. EVERY SPINAL CURVATURE INCREASES THE PRESSURE OF THE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID , WHICH CAN LEAD TO THE INTENSIVE PAIN, WHICH IS THE REASON OF THE STIMULATION, CLAVITHERAPY PROCEDURE.– The projection zones and the mechanism of the procedure in the noninvasive elimination of the bulges and hernias and scoliosis elimination, kyphosis and other spine’s deformations is the copyright discovery of Ferdynand Barbasiewicz. Attention! The scoliosis up to 30 degrees, kyphosis and lordosis can be treated by the clavitherapy method, through the regulation of the nerve self potentials and raising the lost nerve conduction in the nerve fibers controlling the dynamics of the skeletal muscles. After the neurophysiologic regulation two-sided synergy in the dynamic of skeletal muscles, in 10 days postural defects are eliminated. EXAMPLE: A Physician, Mrs. A. J. Cz. 70 years old, rehabilitation, physical therapy and balneoclimatology specialist, arrived to the Claviteraphy Centre on 23rd January 2001 which following disorders:
1. Asthma;- after two procedures, the symptoms receded, I got my breath again (fully efficient), which says until today.
2. A strong infection of the upper respiratory tract and bronchial tubes; - after three procedures the infection receded.
3. The low blood pressure 90/60, pulse 110/minute; - currently BP 105/70, pulse 87.
4. Cervical and hernia dyscopathy. The same situation in the lumbar part. The lumbar kyphosis,– Confirmed by the MRI examination before the claviteraphy treatment;
- Currently the kyphosis was cured and I got back the lordosis. The described above pathological changes in the cervical and lumbar, herniated disks were cured, which can be confirmed with the MRI picture and description. – I quote the full text of the MRI picture description made 2 weeks after the claviteraphy treatment:
„Degenerative disorders of the intervertebral discs . Changed position of the cervical spine. Degenerative disorders of the discs, what affects the posterior longitudinal ligament, do not cause the spinal canal’s spinosis. No bulges or herniated intervertebral disks. The spinal canal’s structures are proper.” The MRI examination number 261 done in LUXMED Medical Centre in Warsaw, 132 B Raclawicka str. To eliminate bulges and the thoracic spine hernia you should use the claviteraphy nails 2-3 times a day for the kidney meridians line and stomach in the 5 mm distance from the xiphisternum to the pubic symphysis. Still, when considering the bulges or cervical and thoracic PULTACEOUS HERNIATED DISKS you should stimulate with the same distance from the neck, THE HYOID BONE IN THE NECK downwards. In every mentioned section, where you can feel a strong, lounged pain, you should check the closer surroundings , until the total pain stillness. After several claviteraphy treatments, the pain will vanish, and the patient will be trained, how to cope with the pain which may appear once again, because of some physical negligence.
1. EXAMPLE: A Physician, 68 YEARS OLD , Mrs. Elżbieta S. from Cracow, worked for 44 years as a dentist with the constrained posture by the ergonomically improper place of work. The sitting position of a dentist is when he is sloped to the left with the left side-lumbar rotation. This improper working position caused the pathological changes if the lumbar spine (only this part of the spine was diagnosed by MRI). This is the description of the MRI examination number 6365 done on 1st September 2003 in the Central Railway Hospital in Warsaw – Miedzylesie. The description was done by Iwona Rejaniak MD, the radiologist (completed the course of claviteraphy). „ The spine’s MRI examination which ranges the Th11-S4 part shown: - scoliosis;- left side discs’ rotation;- - back, central herniated disc L4-L5, which causes the stress on the dura mater’s sac and slight both sided stenosis of the intervertebral meatus.
-back sided, left sided bulge of the intervertebral disc annulus fibrosus L3-L4, which causes the discreet limitation of the intervertebral foramen’s cavity;
tylno-boczną lewostronną wypuklinę pierścienia włóknistego krążka międzykręgowego L3-L4 powodującą dyskretne ograniczenie światła odpowiedniego otworu międzykręgowego;
- degenerative exacerbation of the front sided margins of corpuses L1-L2
- correct picture of the spinal tissues”.
From the first days of work as a dentist, because of the improper posture forced by the place of work, by the afferent nerve way to the brain were sent signals such us…change your position to the vertical one, without any slope on the right side or a rotation to left. The doctor didn’t change her position – even if she could feel the pain, after some time of work - because this is the way how the dentist position is harmfully organized. Mrs. Elżbieta S. arrived to the Claviteraphy Centre with the multiple sclerosis (MS). Quotation from the report’s text: 1. I didn’t succeed the Romberg maneuver test even for one minute;- Nowadays I can confidently and for a longer time stand with my feet connected to each other, closed eyes, and straight hands in front of me. 2. I couldn’t stand without any support even for a second ; - nowadays I can stand confidently 3. Before the treatment I couldn’t stand on the one foot - now it is possible.4. While standing or walking, I supported and drugged, especially when using the right foot with straighten knees; - currently I walk slowly without any support, and my knees are not straight and I don’t drug my feet with the floor.
5. I had the drop feet syndrome;- currently my feet do not drop and I can control them. 6. I had a Cold lower limb syndrome even during hot days;- nowadays my limbs have a constant proper blood flow and are warm. 7. Standing up from the chair was impossible without any support;- currently I can stand up without any help. 8. For 44 years working as a dentist, in the forced position, a huge pathological changes in my spine occurred , especially in the thoracic and lumbar part, which were confirmed by MRI, what caused strong pains and movement limits mentioned above.– Now the pain relieved and I got back the general fitness in the lower limbs. My posture was corrected very much. The treatment in the Claviteraphy Centre lasted only 7 days, and the treatment was leaded personally by dr. Ferdynand Barbasiewicz. This physician after several weeks made the next MRI examination, which confirmed the pultaceous discs hernia’s correction and a great improvement the thoracic – lumbar spine’s condition. Attention ! With the claviteraphy method you can successfully eliminate pains, luxations, discopathies, hernias, pultaceous herniated intervertebral discs, you can also eliminate inflammatory conditions, stop the osteoporosis, arthritis, tuberculosis and neoplasm of bones. 2. . EXAMPLE: A Physician, Mrs. A. J. Cz. 70 years old, rehabilitation, physical therapy and balneoclimatology specialist, arrived to the Claviteraphy Centre on 23rd January 2001 which following disorders:
1. Asthma;- after two procedures, the symptoms receded, I got my breath again (fully efficient), which says until today.
2. A strong infection of the upper respiratory tract and bronchial tubes; - after three procedures the infection receded.
3. The low blood pressure 90/60, pulse 110/minute; - currently BP 105/70, pulse 87.
4. Cervical and hernia dyscopathy. The same situation in the lumbar part. The lumbar kyphosis,– Confirmed by the MRI examination before the claviteraphy treatment Currently the kyphosis was cured and I got back the lordosis. The described above pathological changes in the cervical and lumbar, herniated disks were cured, which can be confirmed with the MRI picture and description. – I quote the full text of the MRI picture description made 2 weeks after the claviteraphy treatment: „Degenerative disorders of the intervertebral discs . Changed position of the cervical spine. Degenerative disorders of the discs, what affects the posterior longitudinal ligament, do not cause the spinal canal’s spinosis. No bulges or herniated intervertebral disks. The spinal canal’s structures are proper.” The MRI examination number 261 done in LUXMED Medical Centre in Warsaw, 132 B Raclawicka str. To eliminate bulges and the thoracic spine hernia you should use the claviteraphy nails 2-3 times a day for the kidney meridians line and stomach in the 5 mm distance from the xiphisternum to the pubic symphysis. Still, when considering the bulges or cervical and thoracic PULTACEOUS HERNIATED DISKS you should stimulate with the same distance from the neck, THE HYOID BONE IN THE NECK downwards. In every mentioned section, where you can feel a strong, lounged pain, you should check the closer surroundings , until the total pain stillness. After several claviteraphy treatments, the pain will vanish, and the patient will be trained, how to cope with the pain which may appear once again, because of some physical negligence. 5. Vascular – motor disorders; - the feeling of burden in the head receded. My hands and feet were always cold. – now the heightened temperature of hands and feet is observed, the heightened sweating as well 6. Palsy disorders characterized by tic disorders, paraesthesia and senses disorders, muscles’ pains;- this syndromes disappeared. 7. Defecations – constipation; - currently there is a physiology of a defecation. 8. Sleep disorders – difficulties in falling asleep and sleeping through the night; - there is a big improvement of the sleep. 9. The herpes; - dissappeared .10. The glaucoma – higher blood pressure in eyeballs; - better vision during reading . 11. Reduced psychical mood; - got better. 12. Limitated range of motion; - improved. 13. Weaker appetite; - got better. The physician’s signature and seal. This report was signed as well by the physician’s husband, A. Cz., MD, well known surgeon from Warsaw, who was the witness of nine everyday treatments. The third case, W.B. MD, neurologist, 72 years old, who suffered from a lumbar kyphosis he gained the lordosis after 4 claviteraphy treatments. His wife accustomed with calviteraphy and practiced at home. At the same time the physician exercised as it was recommended by the claviteraphy . SIMMILAR AND DIFFERENT DIFFICULT EXAMPLES, ON WHICH THE MODERN MEDICINE HAS NO MEDICINES, EFFECTIVE OR NONINVASIVE TREATMENT METHODES I CAN MENTION MORE. BUT IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO BORE THE PERSON WHO HAS AN INTEREST IN CLAVITERAPHY. FAR MOR USEFUL AND MORE RELIABLE IS TO PRESENT THE DERMOVISCREAL METHOD OF BIOCYBERNETIC CLABITERAPHY IN THE PRACTICAL USE IN DIFFERENT VERY DIFFICULT CASES OF ILLNESS OR DISABLED PEOPLE WITH A DISTINCT OF A MOTOR SYSTEM AND POSTURE DEFECTS.

next chapter>>

5) Biocybernetic submolecular clavitherapy in regulation of demieyelinating processes, disturbed nerve potentials and restoration of lost nerve signals.